About Reni Stankova
I’m a bilingual author, born and raised in Bulgaria during the fateful year of 1989. Imagine your typical A-personality, constantly organizing and re-arranging every single detail, but has recently had the idea to let go and enjoy the chaos. That’s me.
I started writing stories since high school. Fanfics inspired me a lot, and you can still find me reading in my die-hard fandoms. My go-to genres for both reading and writing are historical fiction from the viewpoint of an awesome female character, and LGBT fantasy. In both cases I love to focus on wholesome romances with power couples who work as a team and improve each other.
If I’m missing in action, I’m probably traveling somewhere, hiking the Bulgarian mountains, or I’ve cooped myself at home, frantically writing my next book. There is no greater joy than knowing my books have reached their audience and have made my readers smile.
Interview with Reni Stankova
When did you realize writing is your calling?
I could say it was sixth grade when I started writing my first stories. But later, my parents told me that when I was a baby, they gave me a tray with different objects to choose from. And, apparently, I picked up a pen. So, it might have been decided from birth, haha.
What inspired you to write Sirma?
Google. I’m not kidding. Once Google had a doodle about the anniversary of Sirma voivode’s birth. It got me interested, so I searched for books about Sirma’s life and found none. So, I wrote a book about Sirma voivode. The best advice you could give an aspiring writer is “write the book you want to read”. I did exactly that.
What inspired you to write The Enemy of Heaven?
The idea for The Enemy of Heaven came as the rudest, most inconsiderate kick I’ve ever received from the Universe, haha. It was waves and waves and waves of details about the world and the characters, at a time when I desperately needed to sleep. But it kept coming, so I couldn’t leave it until I opened a document on the laptop to brainstorm. It was almost dawn when I finally fell asleep. After I woke up, I opened the document and realized my overnight brainstorming was actually a 30-page long outline. This thing desperately wanted to exist. Who was I to say no?
What books do you like to read?
I prefer novels with adult characters and a well-developed romantic subplot. I lean toward books with a female, or an LGBT main character. Bonus points for sex scenes! In fact, you’re in luck! You can read about my most favorite books in the historical fiction and MM fantasy genres. I’ve also made a list of my favorite books in 2023.
What genre do you write in?
My favorite genres are historical fiction and MM fantasy, so these are also the genres I write in.
Are you a Planner or a Pantster?
Without a doubt, I can state I’m a Planner. I’ve had projects I started without a goal in mind, as any aspiring writer, which I never finished. I have finished novels exactly because I planned the outline and structure of the plot.
What’s your advice for aspiring writers?
Writing is a slow process that would take a big chunk of your time, and you might feel that your social life suffers as a result. When it gets overwhelming (it always does) don’t force yourself to choose between meeting friends and finding time to write. You need both your passion and your friends to feel as an accomplished human being. Strive for balance.
What’s the best thing about being a writer?
You feel like a god, creating worlds, people, and deciding what happens to these people. Would they live or die? Would they have a happily ever after, or would they sacrifice themselves for the greater good? And the best part of this creation is the reaction of the reader. Knowing that someone read your work and has had a better day because of it is an amazing feeling.
What’s your writing process like?
It always starts with a strike of inspiration. An idea comes to mind, and it doesn’t leave me alone until I work on it. And when I do, it’s hard work until the finish line. It’s that famous saying: “Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.” You can’t control the inspiration, it comes and goes as it pleases. But it’s enough that it comes once, and then it’s hectic slaving over the project.